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Oscar Gonzalves
Aug 6, 2017 ONYX BOOX Kepler Pro |
Endlich wieder ein Ebook-Reader der wirklich alles liest und skaliert. Ich habe schon Kobo, PocketBook und Kindle ausprobiert: Alle haben ein Problem mit selbstformatierten Epub (mit Calibre) oder Bücher die woanderst gekauft wurden als ihre eigenen Händler. Abgesehen davon das die Lesesoftware oft nicht mal imstande ist Bücher nach Geschmack zu verwalten haben sie Probleme beim Laden von "Artfremden" Büchern. Dies ist mein 4. Onyx-Reader und ich muss dazu nur noch sagen das diesmal sogar die Hardware einfach gelungen ist. Es ist ein schönes Gerät das in die Bestenliste gehört.
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May 22, 2017 ONYX BOOX MAX CARTA |
If you read technical books, it's really amazing.
It's not so heavy, it lighter than a book. |
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Pieter Hoenderdos
May 21, 2017 ONYX BOOX MAX CARTA |
The MAX Carta arrived this week and I'm very impressed. Never could I read pdf's so good before. Nice and responsive display. This really is the next generation e-reader. Good quick delivery. Thanks!
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om prakash sharma
May 15, 2017 ONYX BOOX MAX CARTA |
I am very happy with ONYX BOOX MAX CARTA.
It can Read text to voice. It can connect to Bluetooth I can read long articles. Overall great device. I am missing touch screen though. |
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Gary Chen
May 15, 2017 ONYX BOOX MAX CARTA |
1. If you have many Pdf files to read, this is your best choice. Reading A4 size pdf file on this device is awesome!
2. SW quality of overall is acdeptable 3. You can download kindle with google play store, but due to eink slow refresh rate, it is not that good experience compared to regular android tablet, but reading experience is still comfortable! Conclusion: If you can afford the price and you have a lot of documents to read, this is a good choice for long time reading. |
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om prakash sharma
Apr 28, 2017 ONYX BOOX MAX CARTA |
Super excited and happy to read my pdf files.
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Khairul Hisyam Baharuddin
Apr 1, 2017 ONYX BOOX N96ML |
The device was delivered speedily to Malaysia in about 4 days via UPS!
It is a well-designed and built device. No complaints on the hardware. Functions as a snappy e-ink reader of various file formats. The android version is a bit back old and may require you to search for old APKs to install apps that you may need on it which may require some-technical know-how. |
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Andrei Valan
Mar 22, 2017 ONYX BOOX MAX CARTA |
Der E-Reader hat mir viel Papier gespart und geht sehr gut mit den PDF-Dokumenten um.
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gregor taube
Feb 15, 2017 ONYX BOOX MAX CARTA |
I am probably never going to buy/borrow a textbook ever again. So I am happy with my purchase. It is perfect for students :)
I almost never write a review, but felt like I had to in this case, just to give five stars! |
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Istvan Orban
Jan 27, 2017 ONYX BOOX MAX CARTA |
It is an amazing device.
First I had purchased a boox n96 but after the delivery I realized the display was too small for my requirements. So I returned it and bought the max. Every day I read a lot of legal texts and I travel a lot as well. The Max is ideal for my work because I like reading legal texts in A4 format. And I use the pen for marking and highlighting. The Max is rather a document reader than an ebook reader. It's worth the price. |
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